I was doing a bit of geocaching in a local park on Monday, and as I was hiking along, I spotted this fellow about 25 feet away. He didn't seem worried at all. He just sat there while I pulled out my camera and took his picture. It's not the first time I've gotten close to some calm deer. Here's a picture of some does I saw in Aspen Hill a year ago:
Those are houses in the background. (The tombstones? It was the Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery.) I've noticed that the deer are pretty bold around here. Maybe they're getting used to seeing humans without hearing BANG! noises. Between DC and Montgomery County, they have a pretty big safe zone. Still, this is the first time I've gotten this close to a seven-point buck.
So bad, they're good. Part of my "World's Worst" recipe collection, which includes pizza, cheese fries, and eggs. More about these in the future.
To make World's Worst Nachos, you need corn chips, American cheese, and hot sauce. Put the chips on a plate, and cover them with strips of American cheese:
Then microwave for about 20 seconds until the cheese melts. Douse liberally with hot sauce:
Don't overcook them or the cheese will get tough and make the chips hard to separate.
I have a policy against having more than one video post on the front page at a time, so click here.
As the happy owner of a Taylor Guitar, I can sympathize. I'll be most reluctant to fly on United Airlines in the future. Maybe with a ukulele that I can put in the overhead storage compartment. Not with a checked guitar.
UPDATE: Proving once again that companies can be jerks in private but respond well to being publicly shamed, United now wants to "make it right" with the guitar's owner. That didn't take long.
The name of the song is Char Dinon Ki Hai Yeh, but I call it Yadda Yadda. I don't even want to know what this movie is about. It looks like The Wizard of Oz with motorcycles. They even try to steal a dance step from Dorothy and company at 2:45, and fail badly. Nice song, though, and Parveen Babi is always worth watching.
Watch for the part near the end where she waves, sings, and drives the bike, all at the same time. Don't try this at home. You could try adding oil to your gas to make smoke like that. I'm sure your neighbors will thank you for adding a little Bollywood flair to their otherwise humdrum lives.
An outstanding actor. I liked his performance in Baby Doll best. Watch it in its entirety here. He also had notable roles in On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire, among others.
Don't Swallow Your Gum! by Aaron Carroll & Rachel Vreeman
Instant Replay, by Jerry Kramer and Dick Schaap
New York, by Edward Rutherford
The Mother Tongue, by Bill Bryson
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